The book of First Samuel records Israel's transition from the period of the judges to the monarchy. It begins with the story of Samuel, the last judge and ends with Saul the first king. The story continues in Second Samuel with David becoming King. The events unfold against the background of the Philistines threat.
Samuel was the child of Hannah, a woman unable to rolex replika conceive who cried out to God in desperation. He was dedicated to God from birth and as the last judge having listened to the people and then to God, anointed Saul to be ruler. Sadly, Saul became proud in his high office and overstepped his calling. His reputation, despite all his good beginnings, was a bad one. Honour comes not through how we started but through how we end.
In the second half of the book Saul's troubled relationship with David dominates the story-line. A theme running through all the historical writings is that faithfulness to God brings success and blessing. Disobedience, on the other hand brings failure and disaster.
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